Blesseds Mariam and Marie Alphonsine, to be made saints on May 17

Pope Francis announced today in Rome that two Palestinian women will be canonized: Mariam Bauardi and Marie Alphonsine Ghattas will be declared saints on May 17.

Blesseds Sister Mary of the Crucified Jesus (Mariam) and Sister Mary Alphonsine will be declared saints on May 17. The news of the canonization of the two Palestinian women religious was given by Pope Francis himself, during the last consistory of cardinals, on February 14. At the time of the announcement, in Rome, the bishop of the diocese, Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal, was also present.



Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

“This Holy Land, which is suffering a lot and for which many are suffering, where there are so many soldiers, where there is occupation, war and violence, has produced two examples of holiness. And this must be the vocation of this land, which we hope to follow.”


They both lived in the second half of the 19th century, Mariam Baouardi and Marie Alphonsine Ghattas were born in Galilee and Jerusalem, respectively. Marie Alphonsine is the founder of the congregation of the Most Holy Rosary of Jerusalem, while in Bethlehem Blessed Mariam founded the first Carmelite order in Palestine. Theirs was a commitment that has borne fruit all over the world.



Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

“Carmel today is global because the nuns who are at the Carmel in Bethlehem come from Poland, Africa, France, from around the world ... from Latin America. While the Rosary Sisters are now all over the Arab, Muslim world, and also in the Gulf. They have the charism of education, especially the education of girls and they do a wonderful job.”


The example of the two Palestinian women, who will be canonized precisely in the Year for the Consecrated Life, will hopefully be able to galvanize the witness of Holy Land Christians of the 21st century.



Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

"They both suffered: their humility, obedience and also suffering directly aim toward holiness, which came later, and which also lead to the two miracles for which we thank the Lord. We hope to be an example to follow, with obedience, with humility, with the acceptance of the Cross. We now have two Palestinian Arab saints, who are interceding for peace in the Holy Land.”

