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Sea of Galilee

located in the northeaster region of Israel and getting its water supply from the Jordan River that runs though it, the Sea of Galilee largest freshwater lake.

The Sea of Galilee , which is technically a lake referred to as a sea merely for historical reasons, has gained geological recognition for being the lowest freshwater lake in the world (lying some 200 meters below sea level).

Sea of Galilee

The slope of the hill forms a natural amphitheatre, rather like a Roman theatre. Acoustical research has demonstrated that as many as 7000 people could hear a person speaking from a boat in the bay.

Pilgrims who test the acoustics, usually by reading the Gospel account, are amazed at how far the voice carries.

This location was also an appropriate setting for the story of the sower and his seeds. There is fertile black earth, rocky ground and plenty of thorns and thistles.

Jesus made the fishing town of Capernaum the centre of his itinerant ministry in Galilee, using the lake, its boats and its shores to spread his Good News. He calmed a storm, he walked on the water and probably even swam in the lake.

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