The holy city of Jerusalem with its religions, traditions, history, theology, holy sites and temples has become a city revered by Jews, Christians and Muslims.
This fact reflects the enthusiasm of the three monotheistic faiths and their affinity with the city of holiness and love.
For Christians, Jerusalem is the place where Jesus Christ, lived and preached, where he Where is crucified and died and resurrected after death. While the celestial factor rather than the earth plays the greater role in Christianity, some places in the New Testament, such as the site of Christ's message and the pain of Christ, have attracted pilgrims and worshipers for centuries. These sites include the Church of the Resurrection, the Garden of the Gethsemane Church, the site of the Last Supper, and Via Dolorosa with its fourteen stations.

The rights and authority of some Christian churches to care for the holy sites of Christians in Jerusalem were determined in the 19th century when the city was part of the Ottoman Empire. Under an agreement to keep the status quo as it is for the Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, these rights remained in effect during the British Mandate period and are still in force today in Israel.
Christians in Jerusalem belong to different churches and sects in Christianity. Some belong to the Eastern Churches, while others belong to the doctrine of natural unity, Roman Catholicism and the United Oriental Churches of Rome and Protestantism.
With the exception of the Armenians, most of whom belong to refugee families who arrived from Turkey during the 1920s, the majority of Christians in Jerusalem salute old Christian communities in the Byzantine era.